Home » Our Meetings

Proudly supported by JA Snow Funeral Home


Read the most recent issue of our award winning club newsletter:

The 1555'er

Also browse our archives and delve into our club history.

Video History

An entertaining and informative video history of our club.

Club Toast

See our club toast by our member Erna Westhaver.

Our Meetings

What happens at our meetings?

Our meetings run from September to June every Thursday evening between 6:15pm and 8:15pm. See the contact page for directions to our club.

Guests are always welcome to visit and get a taste of what the club can offer. One thing that sets Sears apart from other clubs is the amount of fun we have. You will always have a good time at a Sears-Halifax Toastmasters meeting!

Learn more about our Meeting Roles.

Meeting Highlights

Word of the Day
A new word is introduced to expand member’s vocabulary.

Introductions of Guests & Members

Table Topics
Usually six members are asked to volunteer to speak for up to two minutes on a subject that is drawn at random. This is a way to practice impromptu speaking.  You never know when you will be put on the spot to speak, for example, in a social setting or a partner’s Christmas Party, where you don’t know anyone, or be given short notice by management for a presentation.

Business Session
Practising parliamentary procedure, chairing meetings, presenting motions etc. A great opportunity to practice and learn more about formal business meeting procedures using Robert’s Rules of Order.

Prepared Speeches
The bread & butter of the Toastmasters Educational program which also includes encouragement and evaluation. Speeches can be on a wide variety of topics, from silly to serious and all points in between.

Each speech and presentation includes an evaluation session where constructive and supportive feedback is given on the presenter’s performance – a vital element of the Toastmasters program.